Saturday, February 4, 2012

In response to Brian and Shawna's disagreement

In response to Brian and Shawna's disagreement,

Brian stated, As Davis said "the problem is not the person with the disability, the problem is the way normalcy is constructed to create the "problem" of the disabled person." There is a shift of what is viewed as undesirable to now unacceptable and rejected. Instead of having an "ideal person," wouldn't the world be better off having an "ideal perspective" - despite the differences people are equally treated and respected.

Shawna's response was, I like the idea of the world having an "ideal perspective." However, I do not believe it is going to happen. In my opinion I believe our society strives on hierarchies. Though I disagree with it, our society is so used to have people on top telling others how they should look, act, and be. The people on top are not going to let their position go. It's sad.

The way that things are right now, I think that Shawna is correct in saying that the ideal perspective probably will not happen. However, I feel that it would only take one person to change this. It would take just one celebrity to come out and mix things up. The only problem is that people get so caught up in the fame that they lose sight of what originally made them famous. In class we talked about how Lady GaGa is not afraid to show her true colors and be different. She might be onto something. If other people start following in her footsteps, we could see a time where everyone is accepted for who they are. Our country has already made significant progress in acceptance and toleration. If we continue to have unique individuals such as Lady GaGa being idolized, it is very possible that these norms might be forgotten altogether. One person can make a difference. 

Justin Lynch

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