Thursday, February 2, 2012

thursday readings

The readings that we read for today dealt with freak shows and what they are all about and how freak shows have changed tofay. This relates to today's world because this is how we still look at people who are different from ourselves but in a different way. Back then we looked at people for the way that they looked and now we look at people for the freakish things that they do. This also has to do with the world today because we still have "freak shows" for example we have Riples Believe it or Not books and museums. Also today we still classify people as freaks if they are different just by the way that they dress or act. In class it was also said that this kind of relates to today because back then when freak shows were around it kind of created a community of people who all had something wrong with them and its kind of the same today as well because people tend to hang out with people who are like themselves and have similar things in common. The article also show how the term freak has changed today because now we want to be more like people who have freakish things about them because they are famous where when people were scared about people with differences they didn't want to be like them.

By: Ashley D'Amore

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