When I signed up for this class I was expecting it to be my least favorite class. The description of the class didn't really get me excited about taking the class. When Jeff first told us what the class was really going to be about I still wasn't too sure if I was going to like it. With that being said I would like to say that it was my favorite class I took this semester. I am so happy I signed up for it. I do agree with Jordan when he said that the course should be renamed with a new description for it. Once that is done I think that more people might take it. Originally the only reason I signed up for it was because it counted for my major and fit into my schedule. I think that this is the type of class that many people would like to take this class, and that they should because of all the different information that we covered.
I really liked the way that this class was discussion based. I feel like that I learned way more than I normally would have if it was just a lecture based class. Being able to hear different viewpoints and opinions on the topics gave me a better insight on the subject matter. When there was a topic that I wasn't quite sure where I stood on it, hearing what other people thought about it helped me form my own thoughts. I really liked that our class was able to share our thoughts without fear of being judged or being wrong. I don't know if it was the individuals in our class that made it that way or something else, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Most classes where discussion is involved, it seems awkward and forced. This class was not, which was very refreshing. The material we talked about was eye opening to me in some cases. Other cases it made me really think about things that I never really gave a second thought as to how it affected me or society in general. The only thing that I would change is some of the work load. The discussion questions were great because they really made me think critically about the readings (which I also really enjoyed). I think that if all the papers (event paper, book review, and scholar activism project) are going to stay, they should be shorter. At least the event paper and book review should be shortened. I do understand the reason behind them being assigned and think that they are a good idea. However I do have tons of other papers, projects, and readings for other classes. The longer papers in this class added to my stress at times.
I want to thank Jeff for making this class what it is and helping facilitate our discussions. I wish that I had more time left in my time here in Fredonia to take more classes with Jeff. I liked that he brought in the guest speakers to help us connect to our learning. I especially liked Meghan Tonjes. I was really inspired by her Project Life Size project. I am glad she sang for us, I listen to her music all the time now. I also want to thank everyone in the class for making this class as great as it was. I am kind of sad that it is coming to an end. I am glad that I could be part of such a great class.
Thank you for your heartfelt feedback, Jillian. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if I can have the name of the course officially changed, at least not without difficulty, as it is on the books as "History of Authority," but I will talk to Dr. Sievens about it. I tried to counter this by circulating fliers with a more detailed description of my specific approach to the course. You point about the papers is well-taken and I plan on addressing this when I teach the course again. I am sad that class is coming to an end as well.