Monday, April 30, 2012


This class has been an eye-opening experience.  The readings have been enriching to the point of enlightenment and represent everything that a college course should be.  We were tasked with reviewing material and formulating our own opinions.  As such, we were treated as adults who were capable of comprehending complex ideals and creating judgments based on them.  As if that wasn't enough, there was a genuine goal with the classroom discussions as well.  Discussing material in a group setting that is rational and calm is a very effective way to see both sides of an issue.  Unlike Jeff's section of 359, these classroom discussions didn't get as heated.  This could be due to the makeup of the classroom or the subject matter, but it was very enjoyable.  (BTW: That is not to say that heated classroom discussion wasn't fun or's my favorite).  The assigned readings were perfect for the topics and I think if the title of the course was changed a little bit (i.e. History of Medical Authority, Scientific Authority, etc.) more people would take it.  The current title conveys the idea that the course is focusing on governmental or military authority.  Many don't even take the time to read the course description.

The reading material was perfect because they presented relevant examples of everything that we were talking about.  All of the topics that we discussed in class were real-world examples, the speakers were first rate, and Megan Tonjes is the new love of my life.  This makes the class "hit home" a little more than basic lecture, study, test platforms.  Overall, I would say that all of this needs to stay exactly the same.  Perfection doesn't even begin to describe the way in which this classroom was taught.  As an education major, much of the focus is on Bloom's taxonomy.  This format mandated that we synthesize higher order questions and think at a level that might be outside of our comfort zone.  Regardless, we learned.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your feedback, Jordan. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if I can have the name of the class altered as it's on the books as "History of Authority," but I'll see what I can do.
