Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Negro Project Vs. The Tuskegee Experiment

We talked in class about the differences between the Negro Project and the Tuskegee Experiment and why one out lasted the other. One factor that we talked about was money, but I don't think that was really the reason why the Negro Project  didn't last. I agree with the conclusion in the article that the Tuskegee Experiment lasted so long was because it conformed to the ideas of the time. The Negro Project wasn't blaming the African Americans for syphilis, but more so on Whites. The Tuskegee Experiment was putting the blame solely on the African Americans. At the time African Americans were considered lower class and "dirty". The Tuskegee Experiment backed those ideas up, while the Negro Project did not. So because the Tuskegee Experiment conformed to the ideas and thoughts of the time it was continued. That makes me wonder that if the Tuskegee Experiment was considered okay to do at the time, what are we doing now that is considered okay? How can we say any experiment we do is ethical? We say they are ethical by using the ideas, thoughts, and standards of our time. But so were the doctors and scientists of the Tuskegee Experiment. 

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