Saturday, March 24, 2012

Tuskegee Expertiment...was it necessary?

The Tuskegee Expertiiment is a reminder to me of how corrupt our government is. I do not believe that certain people have to suffer in order for our knowledge and understanding of science and life can improve. I believe that this expertiment was a way to justify the statement that it is ok to sacrifice certain human beings for the "greater good." I do not agree with that. In fact, I am not sure that the lifes that were lost and ruined due to this expertiment truly contribute to the "greater good." It seems to me like the Tuskegee expertiment caused more harm then good. Black men was used in this expertiment base on the fact that the effects syphilis is more visible on black men versus black women. Also, to prove the belief of inferiority among black men to eliminate any threats that were feared. On top of that many families, lifes, etc were ruined by this expertiment. And for what? For the advancement of medicine? Couldn't we eventually find a better way to improve medicine and learn about the human body? Was this expertiment necessary? I think not. The money that was used to fund this expertiment could have went to better use.

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