Sunday, February 26, 2012

Conjoined Twins

Because we live in a very individualistic society as Americans, we have definitions for deviant natures and normalcy.  Correlating with that is the fact that the majority of society strives to be normal.  This is also true in the medical field on many levels.  When it comes to conjoined twins, society tends to feel bad for them because they aren't two separate people.  However, what if being two separate people has negative consequences?  Not only does separation have great risk, it also has deep psychological effects due to the bond that twins and Siamese twins have.  But why do we feel the necessity to make conjoined twins "normal"?  This topic can also be related to the subject of plastic surgery.  Many women feel obligated to look perfect so they get a multitude of different surgeries that change their appearance for "the better".  This is also due to our strive for "normalcy". 

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