Thursday, March 1, 2012

Women's Bodies

Today for class we read two articles dealing with women's bodies and medicalization. They dealt with the issue of women being weak and fragil. In class we talked about how this is the same today. It is relvant today because women are still more emotional than men are and are more in touch with their emotions and emotions of other people which make us look weak. At the same time however if a women is not emotional at all and is very successful they are seen as being cold hearted with no emotion at all and that is looked down upon. Its almost like females can never catch a break because if your too emotional than you are too weak or fragil and at the same time if your not emotional then you are a terrible person. We also talked about if this was a biological or social problem. I believe that people are born to have emotions but society plays a role in shaping how we feel or dont feel. For example I think that men can be just as emotional as women but society looks down on that and tells them its not masculine to be emotional otherwise you are like a female. Also society encourages women to be emotional. In class we also talked about how women and slaves were not able to take care of themselves and be in control of their own bodies becayse men feared them being independent which would cause men to lose control of thier power and "property." This is similar today because I feel some men want to stay in control especially now that men and women compete with each other for jobs. This is even true during child birth. Doctors downplay the idea of a home birth and say hospital births are better. I think that reason for this is because in a hospital it is set up to make to doctor more comfortable and in control of the women. I feel like this is an issue that will continue to happen. I think that some men, but not all, will always want to find  way to control females because they are afraid of a strong female to they try and supress them.

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