Saturday, March 3, 2012

Women and Childbirth

I thought that our discussion on childbirth in class was interesting. Talking about the pros and cons of a home birth versus a hospital birth. I think that if a woman's pregnancy is normal and she is not at risk for anything, it is completely their choice as to which they want to do. I do think that the father of the child or whoever the significant other is should have a say. I feel like that is a discussion that should happen prior to getting pregnant or at least in the beginning of the pregnancy, this way it isn't a shock or fight when it comes down to it.

From what I have seen on TV, read, and been told by those who have had one, home births are more calming and easier compared to a hospital birth. While this might be true, I also think that it depends on the woman. I talked to my mom about this and she said that when she had me and my two siblings her time at the hospital was nice and she never felt like they were trying to get rid of her. She didn't want IVs or an epidural and they never tried to make her change that. Her birthing processes for all of us was painful of course but wasn't that hard for her. I also talked to my aunt who was in labor for 24 hours with my cousin and ended up having to have a c-section.  That just shows right there that all women have different experiences during childbirth. 

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