Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mutter or Monsterous

Really? I wonder if he knew what he was doing?
After watching the documentary in class today I felt really bad for ever going to a science museum. Not going to lie I wanted to go to the museum at the beginning of the documentary but by the end I don’t think I will be visiting. The documentary brought to light all of the ways the living profit and exploit the dead particularly the deviant. Before this documentary I never thought of museums of freak shows because they were there for learning. I think that only medical students or others in the profession should be allowed to visit the museum. I think that the public just goes into the museum not because they are eager to study and learn about the “monstrous” defects but because they want to gawk at the dead. If the museum did not want to exploit the bodies of the dead then they wouldn’t have a gift shop or a guessing game of the computer. The fact that the museum is using social media to display the deviant shows that they are continuing the freak show atmosphere. When someone in class mentioned that the curator would put up a guessing game “Guess What Oddity?” it reminded me of the freak show where the audience had to guess what the man was. I think the mutter museum and the bodies exhibits should be only show a select few (defiantly not children). I think these exhibits desensitizes the society and doesn’t really personalize the actually person enough so that we as a society realize that these bodies were actually living people. 
-Sarah Fiorella 

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