Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mutter Museum

I have to admit that I did find parts of the documentary to be a little gross. I do think that the museum had good intentions of educating medical students, and that their original goal was not to make a profit off of the general public. Whether or not that is true today, I am not sure.

The part that bothered me the most was actually the museum in France(?) considered to be the cousin to the Mutter. The way that the cadavers were posed in that museum were done in such a way that I do not believe those bodies were respected. Even the way that they were dissected and preserved was not done in a serious manner in my opinion. To have the muscles and other tissues pulled away from the body and sticking out into the air was distasteful in my opinion. In that sense, I would have to guess that that particular museum caters more to the general public by making it a "freak show". I think that the Mutter Museum for the most part, did what it could to present their pieces in a tasteful way. Some of their materials were irrelevant to the education of medical students I thought. But then again those particular pieces could have been seen as providing cultural information. 

Erin Pattridge

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