Saturday, March 3, 2012

Making birth a pleasurable experience

A couple of days ago, a friend of mine posted a video on facebook of a woman in Hawaii that actually had an orgasm during childbirth. Yes, you read this right, AN ORGASM. Here's this link:
I found this sort of fascinating. Apparently it's not an unusual occurrence. This woman is seen in the video having a water birth at home with her husband being very involved and quite affectionate with her while she's in labor. The looks on her face and the noises she's making are not ones of pain and agony, but of pure ecstasy. According to the video, a lot can factor into this experience. It starts with the water birth, which, as we talked about in class, is often a much more comfortable birthing experience for both the mother and the child. The husband/partner constantly touching, massaging, and even kissing his wife/partner during the labor actually gets her sexually excited and can help her orgasm. My favorite part of the video was when they discussed how women all over the world have so many other options when giving birth besides doing it in a hospital. These women often go through less pain than we do in the United States because they put more time and effort into learning how to have a completely natural childbirth. This was so interesting to me because I feel like as a country, we often have an arrogant attitude about things, especially medicinal technology. We think we're so much better than other countries because we have more developed ways of doing things. Well, maybe our "advanced" techniques are too advanced and are actually taking us a couple of steps backwards. I personally like the idea of having a more natural childbirth when I have children someday, and I think we could learn a lot from other parts of the world where this is the normal circumstance, and having a baby in a hospital is seen as unusual or out-of-the-ordinary.

Sarah Bradley

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