Saturday, April 7, 2012

Accepting Multiple

We rely heavily on vision and need to classify people into strict categories and boxes (i.e. female/male). When we are confronted with ambiguity, our schemas are challenged and we may experience discomfort, anxiety, even anger at our inability to place someone into a category. Our society only allows for there to be two acceptable sexes and genders, all else is marked as “deviant.” Consider even the structure of our society, such as our separate male and female bathrooms and dressing rooms. Where's a unisex bathroom? Even when a “co-ed” bathroom was featured on the television show “Ally McBeal,” people were uncomfortable by the idea. Intersex individuals, as well as other individuals, may be faced with difficulties navigating society which only accommodates two sexes and genders. If we were to accept multiple sexes and genders, as Fausto-Sterling suggests, our society would be less gender restrictive and would allow for many individuals to express gender and sex in the way they feel fit.

Angela B.

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