Thursday, April 5, 2012

The Five Sexes, Revisted

        For today's class we were to read an article called The Five Seves, Revisted. This article to me by far has been one of the most interesting articles that i have read in class so far. I learned so many different things that i didnt know before reading this. for example before i read this article i didnt know that someone could be born with more then one sex i thought that you were born with one sex and later on in life is when you realize if thats the right sex for you or not. i also didnt realize that there was more then two sexes because thats not something that they teach you in school you only learn about the male and female and how they work and how they are suppose to act in society.
         To asnwer Shanas's first question about this article i felt lke the five sez system was helpful because if i didnt read about it then i would be unaware that there was more then just two sexes out there. When it comes to whether or not i feel someone should have ti identify what sex they are i feel like they shouldnt have to unless it comes down to being in a serious relationship then i feel like the other person has a right to know and decide whether or not they want to stick around. But when it comes to society and letting other people know who are not people who are close to you i feel like that is a choice that the individual should have if they want to tell people are not and if they dont want to then they shouldnt have to.
          For the second question on this issue that Shawna asks i feel like just by educating people more it would make society a more gender diverse world. i feel like if we started educating the younger people first because they are the next generation then eventually this type of diversity would no longer be a huge problem in our world. One way we can educate the younger people is by teaching them in school that there is more then the two genders so that they are aware of this so that later on when they got into the real world they wouldnt be so discriminatory. I also feel like we need to reexamine out medical soceity so that they arenot talking these parents into making a choice right away unless it is a huge risk issue for the child. The reason i feel doctors do this is because our society is so gender based that we need to know the sex of someone so they feel they need to pick the gender for someone if they are not the "norm.
             In my opinion i could careless what gender you are or if you were born one gender and later wanted to be the opposite gender. i feel like people should be able to be whoever they want to and that society should just learn to accept people for who they are instead of being ignorant about these types of things. i also feel like this is somehting that should be put intot the news more often so that people can become aware and educate themselves that there are these types of other genders out there.

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