Monday, April 2, 2012

The Kennedy Influence March 29th

While I am quite obviously biased, I feel as though we could barely only gloss over the role of the Kennedys in the Willowbrook incident.  I maintain that the media attention would not have even been comparable to what it was had the Senator, Former Attorney General, and brother of a slain President not taken a tour of the facility.  The Kennedys have a very long, established history of advocating for the mentally disabled.  As I mentioned in class, their sister Rosemary was mentally disabled.  The Special Olympics, the IDEA, the ADA, and others would not have been possible had it not been for the advocacy of this family.  Their influence and persuasive tactics are the stuff of legend when it comes to obtaining equal rights for everyone, not just the mentally disabled.  While the advocacy of others should always be taken into account, the inside presence of this family gave those advocates a voice within government.  Say what you will about their personal lives, but this is a family that has made the country a much better place for millions of people.

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