Wednesday, April 4, 2012


In the article by Susan Stryker, I was very interested in the terms she went over.  I had no idea that there were this many terms associated with the term transgender.  The terms that I think are up for discussion the most are morphology and gender identity disorder. I do not like the term morphology because they are acting like it is a science that can be studied.  If someone decided to change their gender it is their decision and they do not have to share that with anyone.  They are technically going through puberty all over again.  We are transforming, not morphing.  When I think of morphing, I think of the Power Rangers and how they completely changed into a different animal.  People who are transgender are changing sex, not to a different animal.  Also, the term gender identity disorder bothered me because it is not a disorder, it is a stray from the norm again, by a person's choice.  It is not medically embedded in the brain to change and be different.  It is a choice.  This is a very touchy subject with many people and not a lot of people are willing to discuss this topic. 

Leslie Walter

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