Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Class Discussion of Eugenics

I do believe that the idea of eugenics started off as well intended. However, it did get out of hand very quickly. What's scary to know is that Nazi Germany borrowed our ideas about eugenics in the first place and then took it to extremes by performing genocide.

What I found interesting yesterday was when someone brought up that you can pick out certain traits you wish your embryo and future child to have, granted that it is very expensive. But then you turn around and there are people who can't even hope to have children of their own. I have a few family members that are sterile and did not come by that medically. It was just something that happened to them naturally. I think we really have to step back and ask ourselves what is truly important? What is right? How far are we willing to let technology go? What are the moral and ethical issues here?

Erin Pattridge

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