Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Eugenics and Disabilities

Today in class we read two articles one on eugenics and one on disabilities. the one on eugenics dealt with the issue of being able to change peoples genes. the first thing that we talked about was an african american women who had her uterus removen when she didnt even know it was happening. I feel like one reason this was happening was so that we could stop this race from growing. i also feel like this was a terrible thing to do to a women because thats what makes us a women is being able to carry a child. it also causes a problem later on if this is done because most men want to marry someone who is able to bear a child. this also has to do with todays world because we are still trying to do things in order to control people or a certain race or gender. when it comes to being able to make your own baby or even decide to have testing done to see if your baby has a disease i feel like our technology has come a long way. i feel like our new technology is good and bad. its good because if a parent learns early on that somehting is wrong with thier child then they have time to learn about the disease and how to take care of a child with something wrong with them. at the same time i feel like this is bad because then i feel most people are uneducated and will decide to just abort the baby.
Next we talked about disability history. the one thing that i did not like in this article is that they labeled any kind of disease as being a disability and i dont think that this is true. this relates to the world today because we still do this. the reason i think that they shouldnt label every disease as a diablility beccause its not. for example one girl in class said that she should be labeled disabeled because she has to wear glasses but she lives day to day like any normal person. I also have been diagnosed with bell's palsy which is a parlysis in the face and i still go to school and work like any other person and it doesnt affect me in anyway so i dont feel like i am diabeled but according to this article i would be. i feel like we just need to have classifications for people so we try to put a label on anything that we can.

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