Thursday, March 29, 2012

idiots in america

today for class we read an article about idiots in america. i feel like this article is very relevant to todays world because as we seen in class everyone has a definition of what an idiot is. after watching the video of the willowbrrok institution i was very disgusted of the way that we treat people who are different from the normal. i also didnt like how there was very little interaction with the people in there and thier family members. a question was posed in class on wether or not we would ever put one of our children into an insitiution. i honestly dont have an answer to this because i do not have children but i feel like there are some parents out there who do not know how to take care of a child who has a disability and they have no other options and if thats a way to keep someone alive then it should be done. i feel like our society has changed alot however sence this article was written and we now accept these people into our society and educate them so that they are able to function every day. i think we just put them into instiutions in the past because it was societies way of hiding them. i also feel like doctors have alot to do with this because they convience parents that it is necessary fo them to put thier children into places for them to get help and we dont know alot about how to take care of a child with disabilities that parents are conveinced. the other thing that we read for class today dealt with defective children in the juvenile court. the one question that was brought up was wether or not a broken home makes a person disabled. i feel like this is wrong because i personally come from a defective home where my parents spilt and it doesnt affect my daily life yes i deal with some emotional problems but i am still able to do things and i do do things that someone else does who doesnt come from a home that isnt broken. i feel like there is more to it then just saying someone is disabled because they have family problems i believe that there are other problems that have to be added into the equation as well like how they were brought up and the enviorment and people that they hang out with.

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