Saturday, April 14, 2012

Guest Speaker: MT

Meghan Tonjes was a great guest speaker for our class. We talk a lot about issues in the world that we think need to stop, and she was a great inspiration on how to get your message out to the world to hear. I think that what she has done for women who are considered bigger to society to be absolutely awesome. I admire her and the other members of Project Life Size's courage to speak about their thoughts and insecurities. I don't know if I would be brave enough to do that, what with all the horrible things that people say to them. 

I also wanted to say that she has an absolutely amazing voice. I thoroughly enjoyed the songs that she sang in class. If you haven't looked up her albums yet, I highly suggest you do so. I did and have been listening to them pretty much non-stop. She has made me think of how I want to reach out to the world about certain issues that I get riled up about. I just have to start small like she did and have faith.

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