Friday, April 13, 2012

The three major issues in Henrietta Lacks are the issue of conscent, the issue of profit and the health care system in America.  Obviously Henrietta’s concent should have been given for the doctors to take her cells.  Without her concent this is a robbery of the most sacred kind.  Not only did these doctors steal these cells, yet they later would use them for personal profit.  Profit off of something they do not own, these cells should not have a price attached to them.  The largest issue I see is with the health care system in general.  It serves to accommodate rich white people, specifically males.  The fact that the low socioeconomic status of the Lack’s family prohibited their access to innovations of the HeLa cells is ridiculous.  Health care in general should be free and our system punishes the health of poor people.
-Allison Brady

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