Friday, April 20, 2012

Debate Last Class

I really liked the debate that we had last class, it was a great way to involve the entire class. I did notice however, how difficult it was for the chalkboard side to make their arguement. Many of the students said that they didn't agree with the the side they were arguing for. I feel like many of the students in our class agree that individuals rights are important, and that the few should not suffer for the benefit of the many. It seems almost like an obvious answer, right? No one should have to suffer for somebody else. But that is exactly what our country does, doesn't it? Not only in the medical field, but in other areas as well. For example, soldiers are supposed to put their lives on the line and fight for the freedom of others. Mothers are supposed to put their lives on the line to benefit their children. There are many examples of people who have sacrificed their lives for other individuals. But is this right? If a mother doesn't make sacrifices for her children she is viewed as a bad mother. I feel like our society needs to take a closer look at why we place such an emphasis on other people sacrificing their lives. And who are the ones that are being sacrificed.

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