Monday, April 16, 2012

HeLa 2

     I have been reading some peoples blogs about Rebecca Skloot’s book. I am finding that many are appalled that the doctor’s took advantage of Henrietta Lacks and her family. Specifically, the act of taking Henriettas’ cells without permission. On the contrary, I don’t necessarily see it as an inexcusable act, nor do I view George Gey with disgust. What appalls me is that Henrietta has not received the recognition that she deserves. I think Rebecca Skloot (granted I have not read the part III yet) wanted to put a human being behind the cells; the individual that has helped to make medical advances discussed in Skloot’s book. So I guess I would say that the biggest injustice done to Henrietta, and her kin, is lack of recognition. Skloot has done an excellent job in her book affording Henrietta dignity. Then again, it is hard for me to view my body as my own personal property. It helps that I am more spiritual than religious. Also, being in the Army, I have been forced to give blood, directed to receive multiple vaccinations, and give up some wisdom teeth. I remember when we were in Iraq; we were told that we had to receive Anthrax vaccinations. Well some of us refused. Our commander then had to call us all in a formation, and read the directive. Long story short, if we didn’t take the vaccination we would be punished under the uniform code of military justice. It was BS, for the only information that I have been able to find about the side effects are all relayed on military sponsored web-sites. So I guess it has to do with personal experiences and beliefs where one stands on personal property. I know that if we had an outbreak of a terrible disease, and I had miracle cells, and my doctor took some tissue without my permission, I wouldn’t be terribly upset. I also wouldn’t expect money. What I would expect, is to go down in history as the guy with the miracle cell that saved the human race…ok a little dramatic…but once again clarifying my point, and what I think Rebeccal Skloot set out to do; not harp on the injustices, but ensure Henrietta Lacks is known as the person behind HeLa and; therefore, goes down in History.

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