Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Machine Age

While reading "Medical Apartheid," I've been very appalled by some of the things that doctors have done to unsuspecting patients withou their consent. However, I was shocked to find out in "The Machine Age" that these things were still going on in the past decade. The experiments with the artificial heart really blew me away because I somehow thought that it was nearly impossible for doctors to take advantage of their patients like that. I figured there were enough laws and regulations in place by now to prevent things like that from happening on such a large scale.

However, I feel like more and more people in class are gaining a growing distrust for the medical community and their own doctors. I don't think this is completely appropriate because the truth is, most doctors are not malicious and manipulative like the ones we've been reading about. I think the reason some of us have become so jaded is because we've only been focusing on the bad doctors. We should remember that there are still a lot of good ones out there who truly want to do everything they can to make their patients better and who would never take advantage of them.

Sarah Bradley

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