Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The root of all evil.

Money in and of itself does not corrupt people.  It is the context of economic system in which money is scarce and hence hoarded at increasingly socially devastating costs.

I was intrigued to witness some classmates bringing up economics today and how corporations(including hospitals, drug companies, and food "manufacturers") owe profit to their shareholders before owing quality and safety to their customers.   Large corporations are always calculating "risk assessments" to see whether it would cost more to protect their customers/consumers up front or if the cost would be greater in legal defenses or settlements.  So, unfortunately it is in the best interest of the medical community to keep people sick or even make them sick so patients keep coming back for more and paying their dues.  Most of this may not even be on purpose, but rather the fact the that doctors are so crunched for time that they rarely question the standard treatments taken for granted or aren't up-to-date with studies surrounding new "medicines" drug companies target at them.

It is important to understand that the way these corporations practice business is not conspiratorial in any sense.  They're not inherently evil and out to get you, but rather they are perpetuating a tendency which is determined by the pressure of the economic system and psychological/cultural values rewarded by the system.

If you want to begin understanding economics as the cause of social injustice and inhumane behavior please set aside 5 hours this weekend and watch:

~ John

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