Tuesday, April 17, 2012

What does Wonder Woman deserve?

 Compensation- The act of compensating or the state of being compensated. What should Henrietta's  family receive for their mothers stolen cells? I don't know,but i think somehow they should be given peace. Deborah said that she never forgave her father for not taking care of her mother, for putting her in a unmarked grave. I believe that the hospital should give Henrietta a proper place to rest. I think it would make Henrietta's and Deborah's souls happy if they at least do that. I do not know if there should be a museum dedicated for her or a free women clinic in her honor. If we honor Mrs.Lacks do we as a society have to honor every woman who has come before and every women who has donated after? Where do we draw the line? I Wonder?
-Sarah Fiorella 

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