Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Freak Show Movie

I was not expecting the movie to be in a story form, but more of a documentary. So I was a bit surprised when Jeff told us there was a story line. I was more interested in how the different acts of that circus interacted and treated each other. I'm sure that the movie wasn't far from the truth in how the "big people" treated the "freaks" and the "abnormal". It was really intriguing to see how the "freaks" handled certain situations. To me, it seemed that they "accepted their lot in life" and the treatment they received from others until a life or safety was threatened. The way they banded together in the end, I did not see as cruel or inhumane. I saw it as a way of survival. That's how I interpreted the director's purposes. By showing that there were also times that the "freaks" needed to protect themselves and acted on instinct and honor, shows them in a humane way.

Erin Pattridge

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