Thursday, February 9, 2012

Hottentot Venus

The articles that we read for class today dealt with Sarah Bartmann and how she was viewed during that time period. The first two articles described the way she was protrayed and also described her life as a show case. The chapter in the book dealt more about how she was used for science. All of these articles are relevant to today's world because it is kind of how women are still protrayed today. Today different body shapes are more accepted but at the same time when a women looks completly different for example if she has a bigger butt than normal then people are more likely to notice and to want to stare at it. It also relates to today's world because just like the Hottentot women today are still sexualized  and kind of put on display for people to look at. Bartmann during that time I would say was being sexualized because her body was something that was not of the norm and I would say that it is the same today. Also I would say that this kind of set a standard for women today because it was seen as unique and exotic. Today women now have plastic surgery and implants to kind of change their bodies so look exptic to men. The way that Bartmann in the past was described also kind relates to how we view black females today. For example as we said in class we see black women in music videos with barely any clothes on with huge breats and butts and this shows how that image of Bartmann is still used today.

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