Monday, February 6, 2012

Singing Freaks

I decided to look up "freaks modern day" in Google. I found some very strange things, but I discovered this from one of my favorite musicals, Side show. Side Show is a musical about Daisy and Violet Hilton, conjoined twins, who make a change from being a circus act to becoming famous stage performers in the 1930s. The show is about their struggle staying together and how they want to go their seperate ways. Its a very heartbreaking show and really captivates audiences. I honestly feel that people in similiar situations have this problem. We all want to live and create our own lives and futures, but imagine trying to live your life with someone who is attached to you. We have the technology to do this , but back then was a little difficult. I highly recommend looking this show up and reading more about it. This is a beautiful song from the show. Enjoy!

~Kyle Landers

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