Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sometimes good comes from the bad

I really enjoyed our discussion on Thursday involving Hottentot. The class was able to make several points debating whether she was viewed as hypersexualized or desexualized. But one thing that interested me was how an event so long ago has had an effect on today. Today, most of us can look back at how Sarah was displayed and say that it was morally a wrong thing to do. To me, I almost feel like she was a hero that "took one for the team,".. as bad as that sounds.

Like getting a new toy, its something different you love to play with for a week straight. But once you're used to it, it's just another normal toy of yours. During this time period of colonial expansion, it was out of the ordinary to see someone like Sarah it's no wonder she was displayed. But after awhile when seeing those with disabilities became more known, it became more acceptable and normal. Having that phase of "freaks shows" have caused those with disabilities to be more adapted into society today. We can look at other instances including Martin Luther King or Abraham Lincoln. They played a role in giving African Americans more rights. We can look back and say that slavery was wrong but without these men who knows how African Americans would be treated today.

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