Thursday, February 9, 2012

Freaks the movie

When I watch black and white films I usually fall asleep. I don't really know why, but it just happens. However, "Freaks" directed by Tod Browning, did not make me want to fall asleep. This film actually scared me more then most modern horror do. The movie was fine until after the wedding scene. That's when it started to really hit the horror climax. It really had some scary aspects that make an audience member jump. It was great at increasing the suspense until the end.
Another thing I realized was the fact that As an audience member you started to look past the qualities that made some of theses characters freaks and just see a normal person. I'm sure this isn't how most felt, but I certainly felt this way. I wanted Hanz to be with Cleopatra and have a "beauty and the beast" type of moment. This being said, you realize who was really the beauty and who was the beast. Cleopatra was a beast in her own way and in the end became what she truly feared. This movie just made me realize how much these traveling circuses were home for this people. They created a family with people who are closely related to them. Its the same thing we do now. You feel most comfortable when you are with a group that wont judge you or treat you different. I would love a group of friends who will always have my back. (Minus switch blades and guns...)

~Kyle Landers

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