Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Venus Hottentot

While reading the articles about Sara Baartman being known as "The Venus Hottentot," it was very sad because  Sara was kept prisoner by her looks. She was always put on display for people to see. What people did not know was that there was a lot more to her beyond her body. She was very smart and could speak multiple languages. The spectators of the time only saw her for her distinctive large butt and breasts and mysterious genitals. The fact that people would try to look up her skirt while she was on display is awful. She refused to pose naked for private parties and I think that helped her keep some of her dignity. It is said that where she was from made her most interesting. Being a Khoi Khoi woman of South Africa, the English and French had never had contact with that part of the world. They had seen West African women as a result of slavery and had no question about what they were like. Sara Baartman could have been one of a kind or many women could have had a similar silhouette based on the culture that they live in. Like in class, I think she was sexualized by men because of her genitals. They were different so everyone wanted to see, which I am sure was degrading for Sara Baartman who was always trying to cover it up.

Valerie Walden

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