Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Hairy Women...

I found it very interesting how people who were different way back then was put on display to showcase it, but nowadays if you are different your either unique or something is wrong with you. For example, Nicki Minaji is very different in many ways but she is considered unique and original. She is so praise for being different that people goes through extremes to look like her. Most people who are disable, are view as being a handicap and not being able to do 'normal' things...... people tend to pity them than look up to them. I found the hairy woman story so unique because even though she was viewed as a freak, she kept her humanity by doing certain avtivities such a playing instruments. I like the fact that she did not allow her situation to take all of her joy out of her life away. I found her story extremely amazing and sad at the same time.

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