Thursday, February 16, 2012

J. Marion Sims

Today the article that we read about was about J. Marion Sims who is considered the father of gynecology. The main focus of class today was wether or not he was a hero or a villian. While I dont beleive that what he did was very ethical at all I do beleive that what he did helped shape the way that gynecology is viwed today. I dont think that if he was such a terrible person that his views wouldnt still be looked at today. I also beleive that you have to look at the time period that this was going on. During that time slavery was going on and black females werent looked at as white women. I also beleive that you have to take into consideration that he was not wealthy and the upper class women could pay for the anesthia. Again I do not beleive that anything he did was ethical but i think that it has alot to do with the time period and im sure there were other doctors doing the same thing. This relates to today's world because like him people will still use other people to benefit themselves and to get ahead in the world. Also we still do experimentation today just not on humans. Like in the past we experiment on people or things that we feel are below us. Today instead of experimenting on human beings that we consider below us we experiment on animals and then use our results to help the human race. So J. Sims isnt really that different from scientist today except we dont use humans anymore instead we use another species.

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