Thursday, April 26, 2012

the class as a whole

The class as a whole I felt was very interesting I learned alot of things that I did not know before and it opened my eyes up alot. The one subject that we didnt really cover was intersexuality, which I am actually using for my last project so I did get to learn about it. I think it would be an interesting subject to cover more in this class because it deals with what we learned about all semester of who has authority over your body. In the beginning of this semester we were asked to write down what we thought was authority and I wrote that it was something that is legal. Its people who have the power to tell other people what they can and cannot do. Authority also protects people like police or the government. It can also be other people like adults or teachers. I now see that that is not just what authority is. Through all the articles most of them posed the question of who had authority over your own body and now I see that authority is more then just the law it also deals with other things as well. In the medical world I learned that there is a constant struggle between doctors and their patients over who controls their bodie. I have also learned that while majority of these doctors were wrong in what they did it was something that was needed in order to be where we are today in the medical feild. I would have to say that my favorite part of this semester was reading the book about Henreitta Lacks and seeing what her and her family went through because of the struggle of who was allowed to have control over her cells. I would say all in all this whole course was interesting I learned many things that have opened my eyes up today that I probably wouldnt have learned had I not taken this course.

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