Friday, April 27, 2012

I’m really glad I took this class this semester.  I was able to learn a lot of useful and interesting information that has brought me to question aspects of society that I had not considered.  I was most intrigued by the medicalization of women in the gynecological field, and in the medicalization of pregnancies.  Before these issues were discussed, I feel I hadn’t even thought twice about what steps to take when having a baby.  Although I was aware of different birthing methods, for some reason I just assumed you go to the doctor and the doctors take care of all of the decision making.  I think this is the idea that media and society encourages, probably to keep the medical field in higher authority than the common person.  I feel the medical field in some ways desires to make society feel ignorant, and as if they absolutely need the help of doctors and should always trust a doctors judgment.  So, I'm very glad I got to take this class to broaden my judgement and knowledge of the many injustices society can normalize.  Thanks Jeff & class! It was a great semester.
-Allison B

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