Wednesday, April 25, 2012

tattooing the world. - Class thoughts

Is it easier for the world to accept women with big breasts, fake noses and liposuctioned hips than it is to see a women tattooed. From job interviews, to check out lines, how others feel about your mothering abilities,  women that are tattooed are still sometimes looked down upon because they are seem as alternative to the norm.
what i thought about the class... what i now wish i didn't know!
- I learned a lot about the world in the last fifteen weeks of classes. I learned to seconded guess everyone and the reason why they are doing what they are doing. I learned how ashamed i should feel being a white, middle class women and how proud i should feel so many issues that we read about don't happen anymore. I learned to question doctors and everyone more than I answer the questions.
this class made me a constant questioner
-Sarah Fiorella

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