Tuesday, March 6, 2012

catrgorizing people and labeling them

The two articles that we read for today dealt with the hisotry of lesbian and gay and also the invention of heterosexuality. it dealt with the issue of how we catorgoized people in the past. this is relevant today because we still try to catagorize people into different catagories based on characteristics. In class it was said that even within the gay community you are still looked differently if for example you were bisexual or a lesbain. People are being labeled by the way that they act and their behavior. One question that was brought up in class was whether or not we should base people's sexuality on thier idenity or on their behavior and this shows that this is still an issue today about how we catagorize people. The reason for this is because it may not be the right classification for them. I think that this should be based on your identiy rather then your behavior because like someone said in class you may be gay but at the same time you may not have had sex with someone of the same sex or you may have had sex with someone of the opposite sex because you didn't know you were gay at the time. Another thing that was brought up in class was the issue of why we tell people they are not allowed to be together if they love each other. This is relevant to today as well in the past but i feel like we are starting to move away from this because now more and more states are starting to allow same sex marriages. the reason that this was more prominent in the past to not allow same sex marriage may be because they felt that sex and marriage was for the pupose of reproduction only. It also because they do not want same sex couples to have children together in fear that those children may become like them and that was a threat to society.

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