Sunday, March 4, 2012


After reading the passage from Anxious Slippages between “Us” and “Them” I was really angry. The fact that Dr. Dickinson could get away with such and experiment on women and men is crazy. Dickinson wanted to prove the characteristics of a deviant lesbian or gay person.  Does society paint lesbian and gay men in a different light? Are we brain-washed to think that they look different or act different than any other person? This goes back to my first blog post that does our sexuality define us in every sense of the word, do we look different the because of who we are sexually? As humans we judge people all the time, but are we judging fairly? I typed into Google the word lesbian and gay and these are the first images I got. Seems like we as a society we over sexualize the deviant, just like with Sarah Barrtman.
-Sarah Fiorella




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