Wednesday, March 7, 2012

history of the homosexual body

One article that we had to read for class on Thurday was called Anxious Slippages Between "Us" and "Them." This article dealt with explanations to the homosexual body. It stated the the reason that people were homosexual was because they were diseased or had a disorder. It linked the body to the homosexual desires. It also stated like homosexuality masturbation was also a disorder and that these two different acts caused a drive in sexual intentions which would then drain their offspring.  The article also said that these different disorders would happen during the embryotic stage and later in life it could be changed if the child was given a normal and healthy life. One thing that this article also pointed out that his relevant to today's world was the fact that we try to place these people into different classifications. We still try to do this today because we are a society likes to have classifications of people. When we see something that is not of the norm to our society the way that we make it unnormal is by putting it into its own separate category. Another part of the article that is also relevant today was the fact that men were looked down upon more then women for have same sex relations. The reason stated in this article for this was because these women were not seen as being powerful and in response to that didnt threaten society as much as males did. This is also the view we hold today as well in the fact that we look differently to two males having sex rather than two females. Its also almost as though we condone same sex relations of females and it is being sexualized within the porn industry and at the same time if someone is to watch same sex porn with males they are looked at as not behaving in the norm of society.

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