Sunday, March 4, 2012

Gender Norms

On Thursday's class, the gender roles/norms we discussed, I believe are created both biologically and socially.  Men have this idea that they need to be masculine and this is embedded in them when they are younger.  They don't play with dolls but action figures, they don't cry but they dominate.  Women are supposed to be domestic and show emotions.  The class discussion on this was very interesting because we had men saying they are emotional, but it was put upon them to do so in a social context. As a woman, I believe that women and men at a very young age, are biologically aware o gender roles.  I think this is because of child rearing which can be social and biological because of how we act as young children. 
When it comes to women and medicalization and child birth, I was kind of mortified when we were talking about the hospital process as well as a home birth.  I think it is a women's choice if she wants to have the birth in a hospital or at home.  I think, due to so man medical complications possible, I would have my child born in a hospital.  I wish we would have heard form more of the men in the class about this topic because the girls were mostly participating in the discussion.  I would have liked to know if they would want their child born in a hospital or at home and how they feel about seeing the pregnancy and how the media portrays pregnancy. 
The media has a major role on how the younger population sees pregnancy.  My mom and I have talked about 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom and we both believe that it glorifies pregnancy, but it also shows girls their options if they do become pregnant at this age.  The could get an abortion (which has never been portrayed on the shows) give the baby up for adoption or keep the child.  But, it also shows the youth that if they would become pregnant, they could try to get on the television show and become a celebrity. 

Leslie Walter

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