Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Gender Roles/Same Sex Couples

Our society puts pretty strict gender roles on us. I think that the media and companies do this in part. If you think back to our childhood what were the toys that were marketed to the girls? Dolls, play kitchens, easy bake ovens, dress up clothes, and make up. For the boys it was sports related toys, action figures, play grills, play tools and cars. Its like they are preparing children for what their roles should be when they become adults. From birth society tells parents how to treat and teach their children. Girls are sensitive and boys are tough. To make a generalized statement I would say that a majority of us were raised into the norm with exceptions here and there. If parents raise their children away from the gender norms, society deems the parents and children deviant. 

I think that our discussion on gay or lesbian couples raising children relates to what I said above. We talked about society seems to think that same sex couples can't raise children, or that if they do then they will also be gay. Society thinks that those children will be deviant and not fit into our "normal" world. When people find out that someone was raised by a same sex couple they are usually shocked. To me it seems like they are surprised that someone who is deemed as normal in our society could have been raised by a same sex couple. It plays into the idea that to raise "normal" children, one must have a traditional parent unit of a man and a woman. 

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