Friday, March 9, 2012

Gender and Sexuality

In our discussion on Thursday, we were discussing what people thought about the issue of homosexuals being born that way or if it is a choice. I think that Jordan did a good job at pointing out both sides. Some kinds always feel "different" than the other kids when they were growing up. His example was a boy does not like playing with the same things that normal boys do. I believe that this is an example of society influencing the homosexual community. People feel the need to categorize people and need explanations for everything. The issue of not being like other kids if often explained with homosexuality. I am not saying that this happens 100% of the time, but in some cases it could. If someone is told something over and over they might begin to believe it and live a different lifestyle. I feel like this is the case when people are unsure of their sexual orientation. Society plays a large part in people's lives and I think this is another aspect. Some people could be born as a homosexual, but I believe that societal factors play a greater role.

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