Thursday, March 8, 2012

The F word

I would like to share a blog post from my English class. I hope some people add their thoughts, specifically, what definition they correlate with the "f" word. Do you think as South Park suggests, the word is no longer a pejorative term against homosexuals? Do you think the word should cease to be used all together? (Sarah, this is my late contribution to the LGBT discussion)    Earlier today in class we talked about made up words, and depending on context how a word can have a different meaning. It reminded me of an amusing South Park episode. The F word episode sought to re-define the slang definition of “fag”. The episode went on to explain that the word “fag” has evolved from meaning an old unpleasant women to a bundle of sticks, and eventually a pejorative term against homosexuals in the U.S. However, as of late, most youth associate the word “fag” with a reckless and thoughtless person or more distinctly: an extremely annoying, inconsiderate individual most commonly associated with Harley riders. I understand South Park is a comedy show and not very formal. What is notable is that South Park brings to light many current and large societal issues. I think they did a great job of explaining that depending on context and the situation, the word fag among the younger generations is used to denote an annoying, inconsiderate person.
      I remember a few years back when I worked as the nurse at a Jewish Camp. My best friend was the pool director. We would always joke with one-another (not around the campers). And once in a while, one of us would call the other a “fag.” In no way did we mean to refer to the other as a homosexual. Our definition of the word was very much related to South Park’s. One day the assistant camp director overheard us using the word “fag.” She was deeply offended, and I remember getting into a heated argument about it. Her point was that we were causing harm to the gay community whether or not we meant it as derogatory. We tried to explain to her that we would never use it out of context or mean it as an offensive term to homosexuals. We did not win the battle.
     The students of South Park in the episode realized that in order for the “fag” word to represent their definition, they had to encourage head dictionary editors to change its meaning. Of course I have learned my lesson about using the term and ensuring I only use it around my friends, and am now careful of who might be near. I am pleased though that South Park brought this issue to many others attentions. If only South Park with its many viewers could afford to bring all modern lingo onto the stage! At the very least, I hope my former boss sat for the airing of the F Word.

Domalski, Josh

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