Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Slippages

I have often wondered why there has always been the debate about how someone becomes gay. Were they born gay or did they take it on as part of their identity- is it a choice? I feel like this debate is just another way to classify and categorize people. Is it really neccessay to know this? Heterosexual people are never asked if they were born that way or if it was a difficult choice they had to make. By asking these questions of homosexual people, we are right away labeling them as deviant and pushing the matter of their sexuality as if it were a mystery that needs to be solved. To a point, its almost digusting that we have to "pry" into the very privite lives of people, and claim that the interest of it is in the name of science.

And it had never occured to me before class that science and religion seem to oppress people in the same matters, yet they are polar opposites of each other. I don't think that religion or politics should ever keep someone from making choices about their personality, identity, and bodies. Afterall, not everyone believes in the religions , sciences or politics that speak out about these things, so why should we make laws that oppress all people, including the non-believers? These are personal choices that people make and no one (institution) should have the right to interfere with that. It is disheartening to be told that we live in the "land of the free" and yet we aren't allowed to make these decisions, and if we do, we are deviant and going to hell.

Erin Pattridge

P.S. Sorry Jeff! I got it to work after I sent you those emails and messages!

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