Thursday, February 23, 2012

Conjoined Twin Identity

I watched the video on Brittany and Abby and it got me thinking about one of the topics we addressed in class today. How should/do conjoined twined identify themselves? It seemed as though in the video when people where talking about the twins they referred to them as one individual. They said things like, "They are not a morning person". However, it is clear that these girls have their own identity, their hairstyles are different, even their mannerisms are different. So how should conjoined twins identify themselves? If they try to be their own individual, does that just perpetuate the "American Dream" that everyone should be a single identity? I would disagree. I think that even though these girls are very different, they would not be who they are without the other one. I think it is important for our society to just be accepting of conjoined twins, or anything that is "deviant". If we are accepting, it gives the conjoined twins the freedom to be whoever they want. They can make the decision to separate themselves if they choose, and if they decide against it, at least they know society would not judge them.

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