Saturday, February 25, 2012

Response to Angela'a post on Xinxin and Qiaoqiao

Angela, I'm really glad you posted this story, especially the part at the end where you explained how the doctors had no choice but to put strain on the twins' organs in order to provide them with necessary nutrition. All semester in class, we've been bashing doctors and medical professionals left and right for some of the decisions that they've made. I don't think that most of us have taken the time to think about what it might be like to be in their shoes and have to make some of the difficult decisions they have to make every single day. When faced with a crisis such as conjoined twins who are fighting for their life, or the opportunity to perform an unethical experiment in order to save thousands of lives, what would we do? To us, it always seems so black and white, moral or immoral. But for these doctors, it's often anything but. I'm not saying that every decision every single one of these doctors has made has been right or in their patients' best interest. But sometimes, they're faced with awful situations and all of their options suck. Being a doctor is one of the most difficult professions in the world, especially when no matter what you decide to do, it's not going to make the patient 100% better. We should stop to think about some of these situations from the doctors' perspectives and realize that sometimes, they're really trying to do the best that they can.

Sarah Bradley

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