Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Conjoined Twins...

     When reading these articles, I was very interested.  How does the human body attach itself to another.  How does that person survive?  What happens if one of them dies?  So many questions ponder my mind.  In the Cynthia Wu article, I was immediately pulled into the religious aspect of baptism related to birth in the Catholic church.  It was very interesting when the priest did not know how to baptize them. Should he bless them once or twice?  This is intriguing because religion back in the 1500's was taken very seriously and death was a sign of God acting against you.
     Yes, I did googled conjoined twins and was shocked at the images I found.  Half of them I looked at them and was thinking to myself, "Is this real?"  I remember there being a story in the news about twins conjoined at the brain and how controversial the surgery was.  I was confused at why there was a controversy and when I got to thinking about it, I realized a lot of times, one twin will die. 
     In relation to these twins in freak shows, I did not find it ethical to have them in freak shows.  If a person has a extreme talent, go ahead show it off!  But, if a person has a medical condition they should not be put on display.  Overall these readings were very informative on how conjoined twins were put in the public eye. 

Leslie Walter

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