Saturday, February 25, 2012

Idea of Body Snatching

I do not understand the reason or concept behind body snatching. I find it very weird and distrubing in many ways. But I could not help but to compare the idea of body snatching to the obession that we as individuals have with celebrities. People will spend their life saving trying to look like someone else. Parents are giving their 16 years old children nose jobs instead of cars for their birthdays. For what? To imtimate or look like someone else? We are different and unique for many reasons, and we should learn to appreciate and want what we have instead of desiring something that someone else has. We should focus more on ourselves, only then can we realize the true beauty and greatness within us and outside of us. I do realize that people steal and take others bodies/faces for many different reasons. But I believe the utlimate reason is that they are not happy with themselves.

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