Thursday, February 23, 2012

Conjoined Twins

I think that there is so much to be learned from studying all twins, but not just conjoined twins. I also would like to think that the doctors who perform surgeries to separate the twins are in it for the "well being" of the twins, not just an attempt for fame and glory. Reading the Clark and Myser article, it did worry me that the doctors were more concerned about making a name for themselves. When the article mentioned that the possible psychological problems these girls might have was only thought about after the operation, that very much worried me. The safety and overall well being of those girls should have been the only priority those doctors were thinking about. Safety not only includes physical health but also mental health. I would hope that if I was ever put into the position where I had conjoined twins, I would ask questions and do research as well, not just solely rely on the first surgeon that comes along. Of course I cannot speak for others, and I am not trying too. I just know, that I would care so much to the point where I would read everything I could get my hands on about conjoined twins and do my part in insuring that the twins would have the most opportunities, advantages and potential given to them and their health.

Erin Pattridge

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